A Smaller Village Council?

We need your help to stop this change to the way the Village of Beulah is managed. Chances are you’ve received a postcard asking you, as a registered voter in the Village of Beulah, to view this website.

On February 11th, the Beulah Village Council adopted Ordinance 2025-001 to reduce the size of the Village Council from seven to five. There are currently two vacant Council seats. But is eliminating these Council seats, as our Council did on February 11th, the answer?

No meaningful outreach by the Village to fill these Trustee positions has been made. And letters of application for these vacant seats are now considered for Council review by a Council President that voted at the February 11th Council meeting to reduce the size of the Beulah Council.

A petition is currently circulating to allow this ordinance to be voted on by all Beulah residents that are registered to vote. There are currently 267 voters registered in Beulah. This means that 27 petition signatures, of registered Beulah voters, are needed allow this ordinance to be voted on by all Beulah voters. The village can either wait until the next general election or hold an expensive special election.

To request a time and place to meet with a 30+ year Beulah resident acting as a Petition Circulator

Text 231-383-6099 or email Beulah4u.2025@gmail.com

to help with this petition effort to formally present Ordinance 2025-001 to a vote by all Beulah voters.

What Happened?

On Tuesday February 11th, the Beulah Village Council adopted an ordinance to reduce the number of trustees on the Council from six down to four. Text of Ordinance 2025-001 here.

And Why?

  • Not because of money.
  • Why would a Council concerned about being overworked want to reduce its size?
  • Beulah Village Council President was heard to remark at the February Council meeting that reducing the Council size was just part of “… the plan.”
  • Not because Council wants to hire a Village Manager.
  • Not because of difficulties finding long term employees to fill the Village Clerk and Village Treasurer positions, see Ordinance 2022-002.

So why are we REDUCING the Council Size?

More detail here…

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Referendum a Go…
Signature goal exceeded, Beulah voters will get a chance to decide on …
Smaller Council?
Council size reduced to five. At the February 11th, 2025 Council meeting, …
Petitions Printed
Referendum petitions to have the Beulah Village Council allow a Village wide …
Postcards Mailed
Postcards mailed… PostcardToMail.pdf Postcards were mailed today asking for petition signatures to …